What grade levels are offered at Egremont?
Egremont provides instruction to students in Preschool through 5th grade. Preschool students may enter our program beginning at age 2 years 6 months and must be fully potty trained.
What are Egremont's hours of operation?
Egremont opens at 7:00 AM and closes at 6:00 PM. Classroom instruction begins at 8:30 AM for Preschool and Early Kindergarten and ends at 2:30 PM. Kindergarten through 5th grade classes begin at 8:15 AM and end at 2:45 PM. Extended day care is provided before and after classroom instruction time at an additional charge.
What is the maximum number of students in a class?
The Preschool and Early Kindergarten classrooms have a 12:1 ratio of students to teacher. Class sizes do not exceed 24 full time students on a daily basis. The maximum number of students in a Kindergarten through 5th grade classroom is 20.
What types of specialty classes are offered at Egremont?
As part of the curriculum at Egremont, Physical Education, Foreign Language, Music, Art, Theatrical Dance, and Technology courses are offered to varying grade level students in Preschool through 5th grade. Some of these classes are taught by specialty teachers in their respective disciplines.
Are all teachers at Egremont credentialed?
All Kindergarten - 5th grade teachers hold a minimum of a bachelor's degree. Preschool-Early Kindergarten teacher are required to have a minimum of 12 ECE units. Most of Egremont's teachers are credentialed, and some have or are working on their Master's degree.
Does Egremont Have a Health Office?
Egremont has a health office which supports the needs of our Egremont students and staff.
Does Egremont Have Security?
Egremont staffs certified security personnel to monitor our campus. In addition, our campus is secured through video surveillance and controled access entry and exit.
Does Egremont Have Security?
Egremont staffs certified security personnel to monitor our campus. In addition, our campus is secured through video surveillance and controled access entry and exit.
Does Egremont have a library?
Yes... Egremont has a library located in our Lecture Hall building which houses a wide array of over 7,000 books. Students may borrow books during scheduled class visitations, or students may borrow books after school during open library times of 2:45 - 3:30 PM. The library contains a large selection of Preschool through Middle School grade level books which include fiction, non-fiction, and reference books. The Egremont library has an extensive collection of Newbery Award winning books. In addition to our library, each classroom has a mini-library which contains grade specified books for research and pleasure reading. The library is always grateful for donations.
Does Egremont have a dress code?
Yes... Egremont students in grades Preschool through 5th wear uniforms in order to present a cohesive look to our student body.
Does Egremont offer a summer camp program?
Yes... Egremont offers a summer camp program that encompasses academic enrichment and fun-filled activities.
What types of national recognition programs does Egremont have for students?
Egremont participates in the Presidential Physical Fitness program for Kindergarten through 5th grade students, the Presidential Recognition of Excellence Awards, and the National Elementary Honor Society for 4th through 5th graders.
Does Egremont have a lunch program?
Egremont engages the services of "Tiko's Caterering" to prepare and serve fresh and healthy lunches to our students. Students may bring their own lunches to school, but the staff is unable to heat food from home.
What types of before and/or after school programs does Egremont offer?
Egremont offers our Extended Day Care Program (EDC) to all students. Morning EDC begins at 7:00 AM and the afternoon EDC begins at 2:30 PM / 2:45 PM. EDC is a program provided at an additional charge.
In addition to our normal EDC program, Egremont does offer additional classes through contracted vendors. An additional fee applies for each of these programs.
Egremont offers after school competitive sports programs in the areas of soccer, basketball, and volleyball.
Additional fees apply.
In addition to our normal EDC program, Egremont does offer additional classes through contracted vendors. An additional fee applies for each of these programs.
Egremont offers after school competitive sports programs in the areas of soccer, basketball, and volleyball.
Additional fees apply.
Does Egremont offer tuition assistance?
Egremont offers tuition assistance/scholarships to students via the TADS program. Please see the "Tuition and Fees" section of our website for additional information.
How are contract/registration enrollment fees, tuition, and other costs paid at Egremont?
Contract enrollment/registration fees are paid directly to Egremont. Payments may be made via credit card (subject to a fee charge) or check.
Tuition and EDC (contract users) are billed through Blackbaud Tuition Management. Families have the option of paying through automatic deduction via checking account or credit card. Credit card payments incur a convenience fee.
Payments for uniforms, EDC (non-contract users), or other applicable charges may be made directly to the school via credit card (subject to a fee charge), cash, or check.
Tuition and EDC (contract users) are billed through Blackbaud Tuition Management. Families have the option of paying through automatic deduction via checking account or credit card. Credit card payments incur a convenience fee.
Payments for uniforms, EDC (non-contract users), or other applicable charges may be made directly to the school via credit card (subject to a fee charge), cash, or check.
Where do most 5th grade Egremont graduates attend middle school?
Historically, the majority of our 5th grade students apply for and are accepted into other private middle schools in the general area. A small percentage attend public schools.
Does Egremont offer volunteer opportunities for parents?
Yes... we offer many opportunities for our parents to get involved in their children's academic journey!
Yes... we offer many opportunities for our parents to get involved in their children's academic journey!