Steve McNulty: Chairman of the Board & Treasurer
Tina Struve: President/CEO & Secretary
Mark Brutto: Board Member
Curt Witeby: Board Member
Family members play an integral part in each student’s educational experience. As such, it is critical that Egremont parents are well informed of the reasonable expectations of them in terms of their relationship with our school and the Board of Directors. Egremont approaches the relationship of families and school as a partnership in which the ultimate goal is to educate the student in a manner that is safe, nurturing, challenging, and appropriate to foster knowledge necessary for successful growth. Accordingly, the specifics of this intended partnership are stipulated below.
The Egremont Board of Directors is the governing entity of the private, non-profit corporation of Egremont School. Individuals on the Board are deeply committed volunteers who serve without compensation for their services. Their main function is to act as the creators and enforcers of all policies and procedures necessary to ensure the future of the school. They are vested with the legal and fiduciary responsibilities of leadership for the corporation and exercise their authority through approval of the budget and guaranteeing that the school maintains the philosophy, goals, and mission of the school. The Board hires the President, who is responsible for the day to day operations of the school and is fully responsible to the Board of Directors. Additionally, the Board of Directors is responsible for clearly communicating the vision, direction, and progress of Egremont to the community. Accordingly, its scope of responsibility includes:
Additionally, the Board of Directors operates through subcommittee structures staffed by the administration and non-board members as deemed appropriate. The subcommittees include: Budget and Finance, Bylaws, Facility, Planning and Policy, and Advancement. The Egremont Board of Directors entrust the daily operations of the school to the President. The President is the individual employed by the Board of Directors who is responsible to the Board and the State of California Office of the Attorney General for each facet of the overall school program including educational programs and curriculum planning. The President is responsible for organization and management of the school’s financial structure, hiring, purchasing, insurance, investments, personnel policies, and campus welfare in general. The President works closely with the Egremont Board of Directors in the overall management of school matters.
The Egremont Board of Directors expects that parents will support the vision and mission of the school and participate in activities to further the financial stability of the school, including donations whenever possible.
Egremont Schools, Inc. is a California 501c3 Non-Profit (Public Benefit) Educational Institution. Accordingly, Egremont admits its students to all programs, privileges, and activities and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, disability, ancestry, or any other consideration made unlawful by federal, state, or local laws.
- Supporting Administration
- Setting basic policies
- Evaluating the overall performance of the school
- Developing and implementing strategic plans for the school
- Overseeing financial support
Additionally, the Board of Directors operates through subcommittee structures staffed by the administration and non-board members as deemed appropriate. The subcommittees include: Budget and Finance, Bylaws, Facility, Planning and Policy, and Advancement. The Egremont Board of Directors entrust the daily operations of the school to the President. The President is the individual employed by the Board of Directors who is responsible to the Board and the State of California Office of the Attorney General for each facet of the overall school program including educational programs and curriculum planning. The President is responsible for organization and management of the school’s financial structure, hiring, purchasing, insurance, investments, personnel policies, and campus welfare in general. The President works closely with the Egremont Board of Directors in the overall management of school matters.
The Egremont Board of Directors expects that parents will support the vision and mission of the school and participate in activities to further the financial stability of the school, including donations whenever possible.
Egremont Schools, Inc. is a California 501c3 Non-Profit (Public Benefit) Educational Institution. Accordingly, Egremont admits its students to all programs, privileges, and activities and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, disability, ancestry, or any other consideration made unlawful by federal, state, or local laws.